WALS Factorization

Written on 09 Apr 2020

Collaborative Filtering is a very common way of implementing recommender systems. To implement collaborative filtering for large corpuses/userbases, we usually resort to low-rank matrix factorization techniques such as [Weighted] Alternating Least Squares. These methods assume there exists a lower-dimensional space that we can embed each user as well as each item in the corpus to.

In this post, we’ll do a quick overview and go over the TensorFlow implementation of this algorithm.

Problem Formulation

Factorize \(A \in \mathbf{R}^{n \times m}\) into low rank factors \(U \in \mathbf{R}^{n \times k}\) and \(V \in \mathbf{R}^{m \times k}\). Of course, we’d like to maintain that \(UV^T\) is a good approximation of the original matrix.

Alternating Least Squares (ALS)

Measure of goodness

We define the loss to be minimized as the following:

\[L = \mid\mid A - UV^T\mid\mid^2 + \lambda(\mid\mid U \mid\mid^2 + \mid\mid V \mid\mid^2)\]

Here, \(\lambda\) is a regularization parameter.

The Optimization Algorithm

We notice that if either \(U\) or \(V\) is held constant, the loss becomes quadratic, which is easily optimizable.

\[\text{if } \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial V} = 0 \implies \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial U} = -2 (A - U V^T)V + 2\lambda U\]

\(\text{We can set } \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial U} = 0\) and solve:

\[\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial U} = -2 (A - U V^T)V + 2\lambda U = 0\] \[U(V^T V + \lambda I) = AV\] \[U = AV(V^T V + \lambda I)^{-1}\]

Weighted ALS

Measure of goodness

To define the loss function, we first define a weight matrix \(W\) where

\[W_{i,j} = w_0 + \begin{cases} R_i C_j,& \text{if } A_{ij} \neq 0\\ 0,& \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

Where \(R_i\) is the number of nonzero entries in row \(i\) and similarly for column \(j\).

We define the loss to be minimized as the following:

\[L = \mid\mid \sqrt{W} \odot (A - UV^T)\mid\mid^2_F + \lambda(\mid\mid U \mid\mid^2_F + \mid\mid V \mid\mid^2_F)\]

The optimization algorithm is exactly the same as the non-weighted case.

TensorFlow Implementation

TODO: re-do the writeup to focus on NCF and NeuMF frameworks.